The Club held its AGM on 17 January 2022
Elected Officers AGM 2022
Hon. Treasurer John Bird
Elected Members Geoff Firth, Jeff Maddison, John McWhan
2022 - Annual General Meeting
The Co-opted Members for 2022 are;
Almoner - Ian Sampson
Programme Secretary - John Hope
Bowls - Peter Oldale
Lunches - Mike Maher, Mick Peduzie
Outings/Holidays - Vacant
Theatre Vacant
Graham Fletcher
“At the end of the AGM, the President thanked members for again entrusting him with the Office and thanked everybody for their work in the preceding two years to ensure the survival of the Club.
He said that during the forthcoming year he would again like the Club to support the Doncaster charity “Firefly”’ and that there would be a retiring collection at the end of each meeting.
The President also reminded members to wear their name badges, and arrangements will be made to replace members’ lost and damaged ones, as well as providing them for new members”