Tim Mulroy

A POPULAR Rotherham GP had a secret which few people knew.His enthralling story is kept alive by his son in a bid to stop an important part of history being forgotten.

John Mulroy was a popular family doctor in Rotherham for many years and was known as a person that patients trusted.

But few could have known that his birth name was Hans Kohn and he was one of hundreds of children who escaped the Nazis in Czechoslovakia just before the Second World War.

With his twin sister Hanah, Hans was taken by train to England aged just ten years old.

He never saw his family again as it is believed they perished in the concentration camp at Auschwitz.

It is a tragic tale but one of immense heroism on the part of the two youngsters who were able to live safe and happy lives with loving adoptive parents.

Both of them gave a lot back to the country that had given them a home… and hope.


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